Thursday, August 4, 2011

The call from the bed...

No, this isn't a blog about some lurid encounter we had in our bed.  This isn't that kind of blog!  :)

This morning I woke up with my husband around 6:15.  After I pondered whether or not I'd get up, I decided to join the land of the living, or at least the land of those who are living at 6:15 in the morning.  I figured if I really wasn't ready to get up, I could always go back to bed.  I ate a little breakfast, watched some news, kissed my husband goodbye as he left for work, and then plopped down on the couch and waited for some burst of energy or inspiration to get me to start my day.  Before I knew it, I was yawning and I could hear the faint calling of my bed waiting for me to return.

When I started toward my bedroom, I instantly felt like I was giving in to something that wasn't right.  Then my body continued on its own, and before I knew it, I had my walking shorts and shoes on, my dog leash and iPod in hand, and Lucy and I were out the door and on our way to make our 3.5 mile walk.  It's a choice that I'm very glad I made.

If you find that you are having a sleepy morning, take a walk.  There is nothing more energizing and sleep-fighting than going out for a brisk walk on a beautiful summer morning, especially if you have a four-legged companion along for the journey.  Your companion will thank you now, and you'll thank yourself later once you see the difference on the scale and the waistline.

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